Connect your exchange & generate passive income on auto-pilot!

If you had invested 5k during 1 year...

Daily average


Monthly average


Total EBIT


Wallet balance


Disclaimer: this is a projection of the bot performance considering an scenario where the capital invested has not been withdrawn for one year and with a constant daily average of 0,4% compound interest.

Bot The Moon, the best strategy on auto-pilot!

Minimize your risks

Diversify your strategy using multiple configurations

No hidden fees

Zero hidden fees, pay based on bot's performance

Training & development

Constant backtesting & ML algorithms to match all requirements

AI in motion for you

Automated platform to make compound profits with high-notch AI technology

Relationship Management

Daily support to navigate the volatile crypto markets

Control your assets

Manage your funds with complete flexibility

Revenue-sharing model

  • Based on performance through success fees
  • Control functionalities: Safe Mode & Auto-redeem
  • Affialite program to earn commissions

Road map


Dashboard user tracking

Bybit exchange integration

Optimization of new and current bots


Automatization of core bot operations

Auto-reedem Functionality

Risk Management Functionality

Real-time websockets


New exchange integrations

Automatization of new operations


Botcoin token

Major server improvements

Mobile app

Frequently asked questions

  • What is Bot The Moon?

    Bot The Moon is a platform that offers a software that automates trading operations by providing users with a detailed and easy-to-use visualization of their crypto portfolio. Such configurations are created by mathematicians, data scientists and professional developers who introduce back testing mechanisms and Machine Learning algorithms to test the configurations in different scenarios and select the best crypto pairs.

    It connects via API with Binance and Bybit exchanges (more exchanges and configurations with other pairs for Futures and Spot will be available soon).

    The user will be able to manage his capital any time, as deposits, withdrawals and transfers between the same account are always done on the exchange. Bot The Moon has no access to the user's funds.

  • So all trading is automatic?

    It is true that 95% of trading is automatic, but the volatility of the sector requires precautions to defend the portfolio and take actions at certain times. The main recommendations to be considered are:

    - Have at least 30% of the capital invested in SPOT (USDT) to inject into the futures account at specific times. Users should consider a portfolio with which they are comfortable; a 30% of 3K is not the same as a 30% of 25K.

    - When is it advisable to inject liquidity into the bot?

    · When we observe a break of an important support or resistance level, indicating a possible change in BTC trend.

    · When we have a portfolio exposure greater than 80%-90%.

    · When we observe that most of our positions have no DCAs.

    - Active account management: At the beginning, to avoid making deposit after deposit and to become familiar with the core operations, it is recommended to make an active management of the futures portfolio:

    · Internal transfers between the futures - spot account and vice versa are operations that can be performed at any time on the exchange without commissions.

    · It is important to do it with the right amounts and always check the risk after the operation (Bot The Moon is not responsible for manual operations that may lead to losses in the capital).

  • What are my options when one or more positions get stuck?

    - Wait for the position to recover and reach the next Take Profit (TP)

    - Do a Manual DCA (only recommended for users with trading knowledge)

    - Inject USDT from Spot account to Futures account

    - Assume loss of the position (only when it is far away from the TP and we analyze that it is difficult to close).

  • How do I register in the platform?

    Besides registering in Bot The Moon through an invitation link and introducing basic data such as name, surname, email and password, it is necessary to create an API in Binance (soon more exchanges). This process must be done from the PC, it is not possible through the mobile browser or the Binance app.

    It is important before SAVING the API (final step):

    1. Select 2 options in the API restrictions (Spot and Margin; Futures). If Futures does not appear as an option, it is necessary to enter the Binance Futures section, watch the official tutorial video and answer a quiz. Binance makes sure that all users visualize specific content and have the necessary knowledge to access the service.

    2. Also note that you must copy both the API Key and the SECRET KEY in Bot The Moon to finish the Registration process. In Binance, before saving the API, be sure to copy both codes as the Secret will be hidden forever.

    Once the API is in Bot The Moon, it is a matter of making a deposit in Binance and converting the capital you want to invest to USDT (currency used by the bot). Once the user has USDTs, an internal transfer from Spot to Futures must be made from Binance (it can be done through the Binance app). These transfers are internal and have no commission.

  • Is there permanence in Bot The Moon subscription?

    No! The user can unsubscribe from the service by sending an email to and requesting to unsubscribe.

    If you have doubts about how to recover the invested capital send us an email.

  • How much does the service cost?

    Our business model is transparent and simple, when the bot wins, Bot The Moon earns through a commission on the profit. If you are interested in more information, please contact us at

  • Do I have to declare to authorities the profits generated by the bot?

    Regarding taxes, there is a lot of uncertainty yet. It mainly depends on the current location that the user is and local regulations.

    However, in Spain, yes, it is mandatory to declare all profits including those from crypto operations. Bot The Moon has a service that provides the necessary documentation to justify all operations. If you are interested in more information, please contact us at


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